Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Erotic Secrets for each Zodiac Sign

Are you wondering how to turn on a special someone? If you know their Zodiac sign, you may be able to learn something about them by enjoying this secret peek at what turns on each sign.

An Aries individual loves to be a trophy on your arm. They love to be taken out, shown off, and then be made love to by you afterwards.
They expect you to acknowledge them constantly when you are in a crowd. There is nothing that an Aries native hates more then watching you chat other people up. In fact, an Aries that is offended this way thinks nothing of getting rid of you waltzing out the door with someone else.

Taurus individuals are great lovers. They love a good meal at home and then to be completely loved from head to toe by you. Make sure the surroundings are luxurious and peaceful and you will be rewarded for your trouble. The Taurus male in particular is all about pleasing the partner.
The sensitive Taurus dislikes sleeping in a bed that is not their own. If you want to seduce a Taurus, you have a better chance of succeeding if you do it on his or her own turf.

Many of you who have crushes on this sign may be dismayed to learn that even though they dress provocatively, many are simply not that interested in sex. They like the idea of flirting and witty conversation that precedes it better than the actual act.
If you do manage to have sex with one of the Twins, you will then be presented with the challenge of keeping them faithful. One key is to keep a Gemini wondering about what may happen next. A curious Gemini is a happy one!

If you are attracted to a Cancer native, then get ready to do a lot stroking of the ego. They are one of the highest maintenance of all of the signs. This sign craves physical contact, lots of affection, and more than the usual amount of emotional reassurance as well.
You always have to show him or her that you are “working on the relationship.”  This means keeping your promises, always doing what you will say you will do, and following through when you say you will do something to progress the relationship. The Cancer must trust you or there is no erotic freedom.

If you are going out with a Leo woman, take her to the most expensive designer shop you can find and let her pick out anything she wants. She will be yours.
If you are going out with a Leo man, then make sure you constantly compliment him as sincerely as you can about his ability to make money or potential to make a lot of money. Make sure that he knows that you perceive him as some kind of genius. Leos love people who make them feel good. Never criticize either the male or female lion or you will be denied sex.

Virgo’s are often called the control freaks of the horoscope. They usually invent a world and live in it. This is usually not a fantasy world. It is usually a very practical world that is all about reaching a long-term goal in some way.
Nothing turns them on more than the idea of commitment. You should also avoid being too loud when it comes to what you wear. Virgos need to feel safe and secure or they are not turned on.

People born under the sign of the Scales have senses of humor that almost seem designed to keep intimacy away. It can take ages before you get a straight answer out of them. This is so you don’t get too close and ask them to make a decision.
They also like to make the first move (even the women) and will lose interest quickly in a person that they don’t feel in control of or that they feel they no longer have to chase.  Don’t pursue or there will never ever be any erotic moments.

Scorpios are motivated by jealousy. For instance, a Scorpio woman will always want a man if she thinks other women want him too. The man can be ugly, broke, and a criminal, but if she thinks he is wanted by others she will go for it. The same type of principle applies to the Scorpio man. You can be barefoot, pregnant, and have two cents to your name, but if the Scorpio male thinks that you are desired, he will go for it.
Therefore, if you want to appear attractive to a Scorpio, it is a really good idea to make yourself appear sought after romantically by others.

These sensual creatures love food and drink, perfumes, and anything scented. They do not like jealous or controlling behaviour and like to give you a bit of a chase.
Being a sign that symbolizes travel, it goes without saying that planning a trip of any kind will please a Sagittarius. Seducing them on a train or in a hotel is a wonderful idea. They also thrive in exotic climates such as a hot desert or at the top of a high mountain.

Capricorns also thrive on tons of unconditional support and love, so even though they are luxury loving, you also earn big points with them just by being there at the right place and the right time.
If you offer to do errands or fix things for a female Capricorn, you will win her heart completely. If you offer to decorate a male Capricorn’s home or garden for him, he will find you sexy. If you want to impress a Capricorn, you should also go to a great effort to schedule one on one quality time with him or her.


An Aquarian’s favorite thing is to sit down and have a long talk with someone they love. They are excellent one on one companion and make good therapists. They also love to talk about themselves and their long-term goals so be sure to share in his or her enthusiasm for planning the future.
This sign also enjoys anything that is on the cutting edge of fashion and culture. If you dress really well, the Aquarian will be turned on.

Pisces want to share everything that you have, including your money. They find joint bank accounts sexy.
Pisces are also a very emotionally insecure sign. You may have to always reassure them that they are number one. The way to do this is by giving them somewhat pricey gifts but also to spend as much quality time with them as possible. This means taking long walks with them, holding their hands and kissing them as often as possible.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Eating According to Your Zodiac Sign


  • Eat: Brown rice, bananas, fruit juices, olives, tomatoes, onions, lettuce, cauliflower, cucumbers, spinach, radishes, broccoli, beans, lentils, pumpkin, walnuts, figs, dried apricots, garlic, and mustard
  • Avoid: Spicy food, salt, and alcohol


  • Eat: Cranberries, asparagus, beets, cauliflower, cucumbers, spinach, onions, radishes, pumpkin, nuts, beans, and horseradish
  • Avoid: Rich and heavy foods, and excessive amounts of carbohydrates


  • Eat: Plums, oranges, grapefruit, grape juice, raisins, apples, lettuce, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, celery, green beans, tomatoes, vegan yogurt, almonds, cayenne, garlic, and ginger
  • Avoid: Coffee, root vegetables (e.g. potatoes and radishes), yeasty foods, and refined sugar


  • Eat: Wheat, whole-grain rye, rice, oats, fruits, bananas, steamed vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, beets, pumpkins, cucumbers, seaweed, vegan yogurt, beans, and natural sugars
  • Avoid: Oily foods, salt, sweets, and refined sugar


  • Eat: Whole grains, rice, citrus fruits, apples, peaches, root vegetables (e.g., potatoes, carrots, and radishes), spinach, broccoli, bitter greens (e.g., kale and mustard greens), nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and figs
  • Avoid: Spicy food, and dairy products


  • Eat: Whole grains and cereals, oats, fruit salads, fruit juices, lemon juice, bananas, oranges, leafy greens, vegetables with spices, sprouts, soups, teas, and almonds
  • Avoid: Rich and heavy foods, and chocolate


  • Eat: Whole grains, oats, apples, grapes, strawberries, raisins, steamed vegetables, spinach, tomatoes, peas, carrots, corn, nondairy cheeses, vegan yogurt, nuts, and almonds
  • Avoid: Alcohol, carbonated beverages, yeasty foods, and refined sugar


  • Eat: Fruits, bananas, black cherries, coconut, steamed vegetables, green salads, leeks, cauliflower, onions, radishes, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, beets, beans, lentils, and almonds
  • Avoid: Oily foods, yeasty foods, salt, sweets, and refined sugar


  • Eat: Whole grains, whole-grain cereals, pears, apples, oranges, strawberries, root vegetables (e.g., potatoes, carrots, and radishes), onions, olives, figs, and garlic
  • Avoid: Spicy food, sweets, refined sugar, and alcohol


  • Eat: Rice, fruit salads, fruit juices, oranges, lemons, vegetables with spices, cabbage, corn, potatoes, sprouts, soups, teas, peanuts, figs, and flaxseeds 
  • Avoid: Rich and heavy foods, spicy foods, and chocolate


  • Eat: Apples, oranges, pears, steamed vegetables, cabbage, celery, corn, carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, soy yogurt, nuts, dates, figs, cayenne, garlic, ginger, and protein bars
  • Avoid: Coffee, yeasty foods, and refined sugar


  • Eat: Wheat, whole-grain cereals, rice, oats, fruits, apples, grapes, oranges, lemons, peaches, plums, steamed vegetables, spinach, onions, seaweed, beans, dates, and natural sugars
  • Avoid: Coffee, oily foods, yeasty foods, asparagus, salt, sweets, and refined sugar

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Some Most Common Dreams and Their Meanings

For thousands of years mankind has been captivated and perplexed by memories of experiences arising when his physical consciousness is at rest. These memories have become an integral part of every culture on this planet. Historical records and literature are filled with accounts of dreaming, and in every case man has searched for a reason for these phenomena. Common to them all is the recognition that night time dreams are a form of communication.
The idea that dreams are a communication from beyond the physical experience is not new. As long as man has been able to reason he has experienced the phenomena of dreaming, seeking to understand its significance. Every culture in each time period has developed insight into dreams and why they exist.

1. Animals represent habits. 
Animals function from instinct, reacting to pleasure or pain. Having differing degrees of memory and the ability for attention, animals lack the evolutionary development including sufficient brain capacity needed for imagination. Most animals in a dream will represent the dreamer's habits.

2. Baby is a new idea. 
A child is the result of uniting of a male and female. In the language of mind this represents the cooperative use of the aggressive and receptive principles to create something new.

3. Clothes signify how the dreamer is expressing Self. 
Clothes indicate the part of the Self others view. Many cultures describe the three-fold nature of Self as: the person we show to others, the person we believe ourselves to be, and the person we truly are. Clothes signify what we allow others to see.

4. Death symbolizes change. 
Death in a dream is frightening to most dreamers because they lack understanding of the nature of physical life and death. For the aware thinker, the physical life is known as a temporary existence for the soul. The French philosopher Voltaire said centuries ago "It is no more surprising to be born twice than once, everything in nature is resurrection." In the Universal Language of Mind, death signifies a change from one state of being to another.

5, Examination signifies the mental action of discerning the truth. 
An examination in a dream symbolizes a time for reflection and evaluation. The subject of the test will give further insight into the theme for reflection. For example, a medical exam will indicate the need to identify attitudes producing wholeness or disease.

6. Falling symbolizes the action of returning to awake consciousness. 
There is an old wive's tale which says if you dream you are falling and you hit the bottom you will die. This is not true. Falling symbolizes the mental action of returning to awake consciousness therefore at the time the dreamer would "hit bottom" he/she usually wakes and the dream images are no longer present.

7. Food represents knowledge. 
Physically food nourishes the body. Mentally knowledge nourishes the mind, thus the old adage of "food for thought". In the Universal Language of Mind food represents knowledge.

8. Games represent the perspective of life held by the dreamer. 
Individual games such as solitaire, indicate the dreamer's tendency for self-direction where excelling or enjoyment is a significant motive. Interactive games, like chess, indicate the dreamer's tendency toward challenge where competition is a significant motive. In either case, the dream is highlighting the dreamer's mental dexterity.

9. Hair symbolizes conscious thoughts. 
How hair appears in the dream indicates the quality of thoughts giving the dreamer insight into the way he/she thinks and what alterations can be made to enhance thinking. For instance, if hair is being cut, this will symbolize the dreamer's current tendency to reorganize thoughts.

10. Hands indicate purpose. 
Purpose is the ability to conceive an intention for actions. Intention is important because it sets into motion karma, an indebtedness to Self for learning. When hands are outstanding in a dream it will usually indicate the dreamer's need to give attention to the intentions behind the actions.

11. House represent the dreamer's mind. 
The mind is comprised of three major divisions; conscious, subconscious and superconscious. Within these divisions are a total of seven levels of consciousness. A house symbolizes the mind. The floors of the house represent different parts of the mind, the activity signifies how the dreamer is using this structure for thinking.

12. Killing indicates the changes occurring within the dreamer. 
Death in a dream represents change. Killing, as part of the dream action indicates a change occurring in the dreamer and his/her life. The type of change is signified by who or what is killed in the dream. For instance, the dreamer killing a tiger represents changing a habit.

13. Marriage symbolizes a commitment between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind for the fulfillment of desires. 
Marriage is the union of a male and female. In the Universal Language of Mind, marriage represents the commitment between the conscious and subconscious minds. in order for this commitment to occur there mist be a conscious willingness for cooperation with the inner Self. This type of dream indicates the initiation of a new awareness for the dreamer.

14. Money represents exchange of value.
How the money is being used in the dream will indicate what is being valued. For instance, if money is being used to buy a house this will symbolize the value the dreamer places upon his own mind; if it is being invested for future use it will indicate the wealth derived from experiences which is permanent understanding.

15. Mountain represents a challenge or obstacle in the dreamer's life. 
Which one will depend upon the dreamer's own attitude. If the dreamer is using his or her mind and abilities to move forward in life the mountain will signify a challenge to be met and understood. If the dreamer is unaware and unenlightened concerning his own thinking capacities the mountain will indicate an obstacle to overcome.

16. Naked symbolizes openness and honesty. 
Honesty is the result of the alignment of the thinker's thoughts and words or actions. When someone appears nude in a dream this will represent an aspect of the Self that is being expressed openly; the ideas manifest in their true form without alteration or limitation.

17. People represent aspects of Self. 
An aspect is a particular way of thinking and expressing. An easy way to recognize aspects of Self is to acknowledge the roles the thinker plays in life- the devoted spouse, loving parent, reliable employee, the good friend. Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage, and we are merely the players." Aspects reflect characteristics of the dreamer- the comic, the shy one, the ambitious one, the generous one. Whatever quality the dreamer attaches to that person is the quality of Self being addressed in the dream message.

18. Radio symbolizes a means for receiving mind-to-mind communication. 
Telepathy is the sending and receiving of thoughts from one person to another. The radio symbolizes the means to receive thoughts from another whereas a broadcasting station symbolizes the means to project or send thoughts.

19. Roads symbolize the dreamer's direction in life. 
In the Universal Language of Mind a road represents the direction of the dreamer's life. The direction in life is determined by the goals and ideals the thinker makes his own. These can be imaged, created from the thinker's desire for a better life, or remembered, an imitation of what the thinker has seen others accomplish.

20. School symbolizes a place for learning. 
Mankind exists in the physical level of consciousness for the purpose of learning and growing in understanding that will feed the soul. In the language of mind, a school signifies the dreamer's awareness of this purpose.

21. Sexual intercourse symbolizes the unification of the conscious and subconscious minds for the purpose of creation. 
In a dream, the man and woman represent the conscious and subconscious minds. Intercourse symbolizes the unified effort for the purpose of creation. Those familiar with the mechanics of visualization will understand this mental process. Visualization is a science by which consciously imaged desires are subconsciously produced becoming manifested into physical reality.

22. Teacher is a superconscious aspect. 
A teacher is one more knowledgeable than the Self. The superconscious mind holds the complete plan for maturity as spirit, and the previous progress made toward that maturity. Dream interaction with a teacher indicates a desire and need for communication and rapport with the deepest part of mind.

23. Teeth represent a means of assimilating knowledge so it can be used. 
Teeth are the first instruments of the digestive system. In a dream, teeth symbolize a means of assimilating knowledge. Losing teeth is a common symbol in a dream indicating a change in the way the dreamer assimilates what is learned.

24. Vehicles represent a means for giving and receiving experience. 
All vehicles symbolize in the language of mind a means for experience. Small vehicles represent the dreamer's physical body. Large vehicles symbolize the dreamer's choice of vehicles (such as an organization, company, church) for experiencing what physical life affords. The use of the vehicle will give indications of the type of experience being related in the dream message. For instance, an Ambulance will indicate a need for healing in the giving and receiving of experience, a Police Car will signify the need for discipline in experiences.

25. Water represents conscious life experiences. 
Physical water is essential to life. In the language of mind, water symbolizes the experience in the physical level of consciousness. These are the everyday, walking interactions, situations, and circumstances that arise bringing opportunities for enrichment.