Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Numerology: Soul Urge Number

The soul urge number is calculated from the vowels 
of your name. Here is the chart 
that tells you how to calculate this number which reveals 
the passions that feed your spirit.


Only count the value of the vowels in your name and add them 
together and reduce to a single digit as usual to calculate 
your soul number.
 Here are the interpretations

Soul Urge #1
Your soul urge is to be the best. As you believe you are 
directly connected to a higher power you just can't bear it 
when you let yourself and others down. In your universe you 
are the sun and everything and everybody else rotates around 
you. You live to be the center of attention. One of your 
soul lessons might be to recognize that "to rule is truly to 

Soul Urge #2
Your soul urge is to be admired and loved by all. The height 
of personal gratification for you is to be desired by a 
special someone. You have an enormous faith in other people 
and if they do let you down you tend to behave as if it's the 
end of the world. One of your soul challenges is to realize 
that only God is perfect and others are not god-like in 
their actions.

Soul Urge #3
Your soul urge is about the cultivation and expression of 
your personality. Usually this energy manifests as a great 
achievement in the theatrical or artistic world. You shine 
at any kind of activity that involves public performance 
including acting, singing or politics. You desire to be 
admired for your craft and one of your soul challenges might 
be to recognize that there will always be a critic.

Soul Urge #4
Stability, beauty and order satiate your soul. You find a 
Zen-like satisfaction in performing the simplest of 
repetitive chores as you feel closest to God when you are 
restoring harmony to unbalanced situations. You are a 
perfectionist that loves art and design. One of the 
challenges of your number is that sometimes others don't 
understand your need for everything to be perfect and see 
you as controlling.

Soul Urge #5
Change fuels the fires of your inner passions. You have an 
inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only 
satisfied by the collecting of unusual experiences and plenty 
of travel. You appreciate the fact that life is short and 
are bound and determined to make the most of every minute 
you have on this earth. One of the challenges of this soul 
number is setting down real roots and foundations in life.

Soul Urge #6
Your soul urge is to nurture and take care of others. You 
love people and believe the greatest expression of your 
inner divinity is through teaching and guidance. You are 
happiest when you see the positive results of your influence 
blossom in other people. However, you also have a tendency 
to become very attached to a perceived soulmate. One of your 
challenges is to learn to "let go" when relationships end.

Soul Urge #7
The highest calling of your soul is to learn about 
everything scientific and esoteric. It is knowledge that 
feeds your soul. You love to read and subjects such as 
history, science, metaphysics, physics, archaeology and 
religion fuel your rich imagination with inspiration and 
ideas. Many of you are geniuses and because of this one of 
the challenges of your number is to be understood by a 
stupid world.

Soul Urge #8
Your soul urge is to "go forth and multiply" especially when 
it comes to family dynasties and aggregating wealth. The 
highest expression of your soul urge number is when you are 
in power and improving the lives of those that work for you 
or love you. You support anything that brings beauty, 
meaning and profit to the world. The challenge of this 
number is to realize that "money isn't everything."

Soul Urge #9
The highest expression of your soul's urge is to connect in 
a mystical way with others. Although your aspirations are 
lofty, you are also a humanitarian who is often gifted with 
a sharp intuition and keen analytical skills. Your faith in 
yourself, God and the future is so strong that you live by 
your convictions. Your challenge in life is to be understood 
as more than a fanatic or flake by others who may not 
understand your idealism.

Soul Urge #11
Your soul's purpose is to manifest ideals into reality; Your 
highest calling is to become the master of a religion or of 
a spiritual realm. You are the ultimate seeker of truth and 
will go to any lengths to find a spiritual teacher or guru. 
This search often leads you on a path that is full of many 
pitfalls and disappointments as you realize that one 
spiritual system doesn't work for you or that a guru or 
teacher is only human after all.

Soul Urge #22
You have the highest soul calling of all of the numbers, as 
it is the call to transform the world permanently and for 
the better. Usually you are born with all of the tools that 
you need to accomplish this including a stable personality, 
intelligence, courage and charisma. Perhaps the most healing 
thing for your soul is simply to read out loud the words of 
ancient texts as these writings resonate very strongly with 
the noblest aspirations of your higher self.

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