Friday, June 28, 2013
Retrograde Planets and their Effects
If a person is born while a planet is in retrograde motion, he/she is immensely effected by the planet’s qualities.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Signs of Bad Luck
There are various such signs of bad luck which occur suddenly trying to warn us about the coming difficulties so that we can be saved and be well prepared. These signs are easy to notice and identify. Following are some such signs whose sudden occurrence maybe an indication of bad luck with some simple remedies.
1. Sudden sweating or changes in sweating pattern: This is an indication of bad venus or mars. It indicates disinterest in married life in future. Bad effect of venus can cause increase in or accumulation of fat. If sweat starts occurring a lot on your forehead it means you are undergoing tension and depression and that you need mental rest. Sweating of palms and feet indicates weak heart. If sweat gives bad odour it is an indication of struggle, hard work in your life. It may also indicate hormonal problems. Blood Pressure needs to be checked. Sweating behind ears indicates danger of diabetes and thyroid should be checked.
2. Rough and cracked feet: This is an indication of bad effect of Rahu (Dragon’s Node) in future. As a remedy worship Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Leave a piece of glass in flowing water on saturday.
3. Black spots on face: If sudden black spots occur on face, forehead then it is an indication of weak sun and also indicates difficulties related to father, post/position, image in near future. It is also an indication of major changes in life in near future. To make the changes favourable following remedies can be done: apply almond oil on the spots, apply potato, lemon and aloe vera. Eat walnut stale mouth in the morning. Bath twice. Put roots or leaves of Bel in bathing water. Worship with Gayatri mantra and leave jaggery (gud) in flowing water on sundays.
4. Sudden aggressiveness, anger or getting hurt frequently: These are indications of bad effects of Mars. Blood Pressure, Sugar, family problems, danger of fire, possibility of accidents in future. As a remedy worship Lord Hanuman, offer him flowers. Doing Pranayam (Anlom-Vilom) will be helpful. Wear white and avoid red. If unmarried donate red clothes, if going to be married donate jaggery, if married walk on grass with spouse. Serve bull with moong dal and jaggery for 40 days.
5. Excess saliva formation while speaking or sleeping: This is an indication of weak lungs, problems to father, weak relations with friends and relatives and damage to social image. It is also an indication of weakness, decreasing stamina and lack of rest. It may also indicate an incurable disease in future. Remedy: Avoid drinking cold water, learn pranayam, take honey with water, burn wood to form coal and flow it in water on saturday. Keep honey in a flower pot in a mud-vessel on the terrace. Eat timely and regularly. Maintain cordial relations with father.
6. Early Wear and Tear of Shoes and socks: This is an indication of ill-effects of saturn and rahu. This indicates a long term bad luck coming which will cause a lot of difficulties in life. As a remedy, sleep on time, worship rising sun, change your behaviour, leave your haughtiness, hardness and injustice. Behave well. Give water to Peepal tree. Do not take gastric food. Donate oil and udad dal (black pulses). Worship your Isht dev. Serve the flora and fauna. Serve temples and your guru whole-heartedly.
7. Excessive Dry Skin: This is an indication of bad luck. Possibility of weak liver and weak jupiter. Remedy: Worship your Guru, seek his guidance. Donate banana plant. Water banana tree.
8. Excess Dandruff: Bad effect of Rahu. Avoid driving at night or early morning. Give flour to ants. Wash hair frequently. Bath twice.
9. Lot of ants in house: If you find lot of ants in your home, don’t kill them. Instead put a little turmeric in their path. They will go away.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Mantra for the Nine Planets
Following are the mantras for the nine planets:
Planet Name | Indian Name | Mantra |
Sun | Surya | Om Hraam Hreem Hroum Sah Suryay Namah |
Moon | Chandra | Om Shraam Shreem Shroum Sah Chandramase Namah |
Mars | Mangal | Om Kraam Kreem Kroum Sah Bhomay Namah |
Mercury | Budh | Om Braam Breem Broum Sah Budhay Namah |
Jupiter | Guru | Om Graam Greem Groum Sah Gurve Namah |
Venus | Shukra | Om Draam Dreem Droum Sah Shukray Namah |
Saturn | Shani | Om Praam Preem Proum Sah Shaneshray Namah |
Dragons Node | Rahu | Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahuve Namah |
Dragons Antinode | Ketu | Om Straam Streem Stroum Sah Ketve Namah |
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Ayurvedic Remedies for Obesity
In astrology, it can be found whether a person will be obese by his natal chart and the causes of his obesity. Generally when the heavy planets Jupiter and Saturn are placed in the lower belt of the natal chart, that is, the 6th, 7th and 8th house, the person tends to gain weight.. Below are some ayurvedic recipes which can help one lose weight though one must remember that physical work is always the best option to lose weight.
Note: People having a good digestion should try this only.
RECIPE NO 2:Take 1/4 Liter mild water. Add 2 tea spoons of Ginger juice, 4 spoons of Honey. Add half spoon of roasted Cumin seed (Jeera) powder, half spoon of roasted Coriander seed (Dhaniya) powder to it.
Take this early in the morning before breakfast.
RECIPE NO 3:Uttareni(Prickly flower or Achyranthes aspera) Juice, Mustard oil, Flax oil, Seseme seed oil.
Take equal proportions of the above. Boil on slim fire till uttareni juice is completely mixed up in it. Oil is obtained at the end. Apply this oil on places where there is much fat. The oil has a property of burning cholesterol and fat.
RECIPE NO 4:Take handfull of horse grams. Boil them in water and take early in the morning before breakfast.
RECIPE NO 5:Jowar , Millet , Barley, Wheat, bajra.
Mix them all and grind them to flour. Make rotis with this flour.
CURRIES TO BE TAKEN:Bottle gourd , Snake gourd , Bitter gourd , Pumpkin, Turia or Ridge gourd .
Mix all vegetables, add turmeric powder and Saindhava Lavanam(Indian Ocean salt). Prepare curry with all these mixed vegetables and have it along with the roti/chappatis mentioned above.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Baldness- Permanent treatment naturally
Hair baldness arises due to
i) Non application of hair oil.
ii) Development of excess heat
iii) Lack of exercises
Recipe No.1:
Yoga and exercises:
i) Spell out ‘Om’ for 10 times
ii) Sarvangasanam
iii) Ushtrasanam
iv) Shupta Vajrasanam
v) Visualisation exercise:
Sit in sukhasana posture, close your eyes and visualise your head portion. Visualise that all the excess heat from your head is dissipated. Visualise locks of silky, shinking hair growth in the bald portion without any bald patches. Do this for 10 minutes daily. Hair regrows.
Recipe No.2:
Tonsure the entire head and do the following:
i) Apply raddish juice with a cotton cloth by stretching the skin where bald is present so that the applied juice enters the blocked roots of the hair. Apply juice round the head and on the patches of hair loss before going to bed. Take bath early in the morning with Ayurvedic shampoo.
ii) Put 2 droops of sesame oil in the nostrils and breathe in. Due to this the closed pores of the root ends of hair that was lost will reopen and hair regrows.
iii) Repeat the tonsure process once again after 15 days and apply raddish juice and nose drops as mentioned above.
Benefits: Within 3 to 6 months hair regrows again in the bald portions.
Recipe No.3:
Kalabanda hair oil:
Kalabanda gujju : 1/4 kg.
Coconut oil : 1/4 kg.
Mix the above and boil on SIM flame till oil remains. Before removing from flame add a fistful of maruvam/davanam. Before the leaves turn black, remove from flame, filter and store.
Oil can be used daily. Those having hair problems, the oil should be applied in warm condition to each layer of hair till it soaks into the roots.
The roots of hair will be strengthened, excess heat in head reduces, nerves will be cooled, dandruff will be eliminated, oiliness in head goes away, itching in head vanishes, hair fall, grey hair, bald head, penukorukudu etc. problems will be solved.
Recipe No.4:
Jatamamsi : 100 gm
Chengalva kostu : 100 gm
Black sesame : 100 gm
Sugandhaphala roots : 100 gm
Tamara ginjalu : 100 gms.
Grind all the above to paste with water, add 500 gm naatu cow’s ghee and boil on SIM flame till ghee remains. Filter the ghee and store.
Apply this ghee to the head daily or atleast two times a week.
Baldhead problem will be resolved.
Recipe No.5:
Tips for Bald head problem:
i) Wrap wet cloth around head. Wrap one dry cloth over it and on the top one thikck bed sheet. Excess heat is removed, head gets warmed and the closed roots will re-open.
ii) Apply neem oil or mustard oil by Nasya karma
iii) Apply hair oil atleast two times a week. Use Bringraj hair oil or kalbanda hair oil or usirika hairoil or coconut oil till the oil reaches roots. Gently massage and wrap one cloth. Take head bath with soap nut or seeka kaya early in the morning.
iv) Soak 5 pieces triphalas (Taanikaaya, usirikaya, karakkaya) over night. Apply the filtered water to head and comb the hair. Hair fall stops and hair regrows.
v) Apply onion juice with cotton cloth on the bald patches and gently massage. Take bath after it is dried.
vi) Make paste of onion seeds powder by grinding with water. Apply the paste on the bald patches and take bath after it dries.
Recipe No.6:
Take boorugu jiguru (gum), nela taadi dumpalu and tamara ginjalu in equal proportion, make pieces, dry and make powder and store. Take little powder grind it with water and apply the paste to the bald portion. Wait for one hour and wash. Do this for 2 to 3 times a week till the hair restarts growing.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Totkas: Highly Effective Remedies
Totkas / Tantras are ritual done by using different material, which may be roots of plants, animal parts or doing certain spiritual actions or rituals on a particular or time etc.
Education Tantra- For education and knowledge :-
1. Wear lucky stone Coral (Moonga) in copper ring on Tuesday in your third finger.
2. Always keep a square piece of silver with you.
3. Keep around 100 gms of Saunf (Aniseed) in a red pouch under your pillow at night.
4. Wear a copper coin with red or white thread, around your neck.
5. Always keep a photo of Goddess Saraswati in your house. She is the Goddess of education & knowledge. Worship her and salute her daily to get her blessings.
Love Tantra- For success in love :–
1.) Wear green bangles.
2.) Wear White clothes on every Friday and yellow clothes on Thursday. It is very effective tantra both for Love and an early marriage
3.) Meet your boyfriend on full moon night
4.) Write the name of your boyfriend on a leave of PAN with black ink and put it in a bottle of honey. He will become attracted towards you very soon.
5.) Light an earthen lamp with oil and keep it in the South- West corner of your house. You will get your desired partner.
6.) Collect some sand or dust from under the feet of boy you love. You can collect it where he normally stand or walk. And keep it in a piece of paper. Now take 21 grains of Urad dal and 7 pieces of clove (Lavang). Keep all three things in your hands and pray your God to make your boy friend love you and get attracted towards you. And then keep it at some safe place in your house and when your work is done you can throw it in a river.
Money Tantra - For Money, wealth & good luck : -
1. Tie a red ribbon on front door of your house.
2. Apply a tilak of Kesar (saffron) and sandlewood (Chandan) on your forehead on every Thursday.
3. Plant an Anar Tree (Pomegranate Plant) in your house.
Marriage Tantra - For an early Marriage:-
1. Keep a Gauri Shankar Rudraksha with you. You can keep it in your purse or just keep it at the place of worship in your house.
2. Take an old lock without any key and rotate it around your head 7 times and throw it at any crossing, and do not look back.
3. Fill an earthen pot with mushrooms and offer it or leave it at any masjid or holy place.
4. Do not drink milk at night.
5. Always keep a small silver ball (of the size of a pearl or moti ) with you. You can also wear it around your neck like a necklace.
6. Offer Red chunni, red bangles and sindur etc to Lord Shiva and Parvati at any nearby temple.
7. Keep fast for 16 Mondays
8. Keep Rabbits in your house and feed them with your own hands.
9. Planting a Banana & Anar (Pomegranate) tree at any place of worship like temple is also very helpful.
10. Offer green grass or spinach (Palak) to Cow daily
11. Keep a Tulsi plant in your house and give it water mixed with kesar (Saffron)
12 Mix a pinch of Haldi (Turmeric) in the water and take bath with it.
Wishes Tantra- For fulfilment of wishes :-
1. Wear ring made of iron of horse shoe in the middle finger on Saturday.
2. Give (Atta) wheat flour and sugar to ants everyday.
3. Go to Lord Shiva’s temple and apply sandlewood paste on Shivlingam.
4. Offer red cloth and Sindur to lord Hanuman for 8 Saturdays.
5. Make a triangle with red ink on a white paper and write “Shreen” on it. Always keep it in your pocket.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Numerology: Soul Urge Number
The soul urge number is calculated from the vowels
of your name. Here is the chart
that tells you how to calculate this number which reveals
the passions that feed your spirit.
Only count the value of the vowels in your name and add them
together and reduce to a single digit as usual to calculate
your soul number.
Here are the interpretations
Soul Urge #1
Your soul urge is to be the best. As you believe you are
directly connected to a higher power you just can't bear it
when you let yourself and others down. In your universe you
are the sun and everything and everybody else rotates around
you. You live to be the center of attention. One of your
soul lessons might be to recognize that "to rule is truly to
Soul Urge #2
Your soul urge is to be admired and loved by all. The height
of personal gratification for you is to be desired by a
special someone. You have an enormous faith in other people
and if they do let you down you tend to behave as if it's the
end of the world. One of your soul challenges is to realize
that only God is perfect and others are not god-like in
their actions.
Soul Urge #3
Your soul urge is about the cultivation and expression of
your personality. Usually this energy manifests as a great
achievement in the theatrical or artistic world. You shine
at any kind of activity that involves public performance
including acting, singing or politics. You desire to be
admired for your craft and one of your soul challenges might
be to recognize that there will always be a critic.
Soul Urge #4
Stability, beauty and order satiate your soul. You find a
Zen-like satisfaction in performing the simplest of
repetitive chores as you feel closest to God when you are
restoring harmony to unbalanced situations. You are a
perfectionist that loves art and design. One of the
challenges of your number is that sometimes others don't
understand your need for everything to be perfect and see
you as controlling.
Soul Urge #5
Change fuels the fires of your inner passions. You have an
inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only
satisfied by the collecting of unusual experiences and plenty
of travel. You appreciate the fact that life is short and
are bound and determined to make the most of every minute
you have on this earth. One of the challenges of this soul
number is setting down real roots and foundations in life.
Soul Urge #6
Your soul urge is to nurture and take care of others. You
love people and believe the greatest expression of your
inner divinity is through teaching and guidance. You are
happiest when you see the positive results of your influence
blossom in other people. However, you also have a tendency
to become very attached to a perceived soulmate. One of your
challenges is to learn to "let go" when relationships end.
Soul Urge #7
The highest calling of your soul is to learn about
everything scientific and esoteric. It is knowledge that
feeds your soul. You love to read and subjects such as
history, science, metaphysics, physics, archaeology and
religion fuel your rich imagination with inspiration and
ideas. Many of you are geniuses and because of this one of
the challenges of your number is to be understood by a
stupid world.
Soul Urge #8
Your soul urge is to "go forth and multiply" especially when
it comes to family dynasties and aggregating wealth. The
highest expression of your soul urge number is when you are
in power and improving the lives of those that work for you
or love you. You support anything that brings beauty,
meaning and profit to the world. The challenge of this
number is to realize that "money isn't everything."
Soul Urge #9
The highest expression of your soul's urge is to connect in
a mystical way with others. Although your aspirations are
lofty, you are also a humanitarian who is often gifted with
a sharp intuition and keen analytical skills. Your faith in
yourself, God and the future is so strong that you live by
your convictions. Your challenge in life is to be understood
as more than a fanatic or flake by others who may not
understand your idealism.
Soul Urge #11
Your soul's purpose is to manifest ideals into reality; Your
highest calling is to become the master of a religion or of
a spiritual realm. You are the ultimate seeker of truth and
will go to any lengths to find a spiritual teacher or guru.
This search often leads you on a path that is full of many
pitfalls and disappointments as you realize that one
spiritual system doesn't work for you or that a guru or
teacher is only human after all.
Soul Urge #22
You have the highest soul calling of all of the numbers, as
it is the call to transform the world permanently and for
the better. Usually you are born with all of the tools that
you need to accomplish this including a stable personality,
intelligence, courage and charisma. Perhaps the most healing
thing for your soul is simply to read out loud the words of
ancient texts as these writings resonate very strongly with
the noblest aspirations of your higher self.
Friday, February 1, 2013
The Sadhe Sati
Sadhe-sati is a transit phenomenon which occurs to every one periodically. It is an expression which in astrological parlance means a period of 7 ½ years when Saturn transits 3 particular houses successively.
These 3 houses are : the 12th, the 1st and the 2nd from the natal Moon. Since it takes roughly 2 ½ years to traverse 3 rashis. For instance, if a person had his Moon in Aries, his Sadhe-sati began in December 1995 when Saturn entered Pisces. It would end after 7 ½ years when Saturn would have completed the transit of Pisces, Aries and Taurus. And this would be true for every single person whose moon is in Aries irrespective of the position of the other planets in the natal chart or in transit.
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Shani Dev |
Did u know ?
¼ th of the world population at every time is undergoing Sadhe-Sati.
Saturn comes back to the same zodiacal point after nearly every 30 years. Therefore, a person below 30 years experiences his 1st Sadhe-sati. Once it is complete it would come back after 22 ½ years. Thus, many people go through the 1st, 2nd and the 3rd Sadhe-satis in one life time.
The 1st Sadhe-sati is said to affect the parents, the 2nd the self and the 3rd the children. Although the underlying stance always is that the period of Sadhe-sati is evil, Saturn being the most malefic planet, yet Sadhe-sati proves to be evil for some, neutral for others and even good for still others. It depends on several factors in the horoscope which make different people experience Sadhe-sati differently. Classics describe the results of Sadhesati as

In other words, when Saturn in transit is in the fourth or eighth house from the Moon sign, it is a period for illness, quarrels with brothers, foreign stay, hardships and anxiety.
During Sadhesati, Saturn in the first or second house causes ailments related to the head,heart and legs, fear from the wicked and hardships for sons and cattle.
Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi Morarji Desai and Charan Singh became Prime Ministers of India in their respective periods of Sadhe-sati. The designations of Prime Ministers is a very significant achievement for any political person but it is also true that "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown."
Professional elevation, but tremendous responsibilities and accompanying stress, strain and anxiety too.
Sadhe Sati & Dhaiyya after the transit to Libra (14th November 2011 onwards)
As Saturn is transiting to its exaltation sign Libra it will have Sadhe Sati & Dhaiyya effect on the following :·
People with Natal Moon in Virgo will have the third & last phase of Sadhe Sati.
People with Natal Moon in Libra will have the second phase of Sadhe Sati.
People with Natal Moon in Scorpio will have the first phase of Sadhe Sati.
People with Natal Moon in Cancer will have Laghu Kalyani Dhaiyya.
People with Natal Moon in Pisces will have Ashtam Shani.
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Effect of Saadhe Sati |
Facts about Sadhe Sati :
If the moon belongs to Capricorn or Aquarius rashis and Pushya, Anuradha or U.Bhardrapada nakshatras, then Sadhe-sati is not too stressful.
A Moon that is natally familiar with the ways of Saturn is not disturbed too badly due to the transit of Saturn during Sadhe-sati!
Saturn transiting over its friend's nakshatras, namely Venus and Mercury, may be beneficial.
Even if Saturn is transiting over the nakshatas of the Sun, but if the Sun happens to be the trikona lord (from the main lagna or the Moon lagna), results of Sadhe-sati may not be too adverse.
For Taurus and Libra ascendants for whom Saturn is a yogakaraka, Sadhe-sati is generally not adverse.
In Sarvashtak-varga, if the 12th, 1st and 2nd and houses from the Moon all have high benefic bindus (above 28) then the entire period of 7 ½ years goes well.
While Sadhe-sati of Saturn is progressing, the other planets are not sitting still. During those periods when Jupiter's (or Rahu's and Ketu's) transit results are favourable, Sadhe-sati can't be too adverse. For example, those periods when majority of planets are in the 11th from the Moon, the 11th being a gainful house, they would be inclined to do good as per their own portfolios. Thus the negativity of Sadhe-sati would get reduced.
If the dasha is good, Sadhe-sati can't be too bad. If the dasha and Sadhe-sati both are bad then only the full force of evil Sadhe-sati is felt. If both are good then Sadhe-sati is a period to look forward to. Let us not forget that transit is always subservient to the dasha.
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Yantra to minimise bad effects of Sadhe Sati |
Saturday, January 26, 2013
The KaalSarp Dosh
What is Kaalsarp?
When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node
When all the planets are hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node
and the moon's south node Kaalsarp Yoga is formed. Complete Kaalsarp yoga is formed only when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. Even if one planet is outside the
Rahu Ketu Axis there is no Kaalsarp Yoga.
Before you do any remedies for the Kaalsarp Yoga make sure that all planets are between Rahu and Ketu. Even if there is one planet outside the Rahu Ketu axis the Kaalsarp Yoga does not exist. do not confuse Kaalsarp yoga with Nag/Naga Dosha or Karaka Dosha.
If all the 7 planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu then Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. Therefore it is essential that such natives should arrange for remedy of Kaal Sarp Yog so that lucky planets of the horoscope could render favorable results.
Before you do any remedies for the Kaalsarp Yoga make sure that all planets are between Rahu and Ketu. Even if there is one planet outside the Rahu Ketu axis the Kaalsarp Yoga does not exist. do not confuse Kaalsarp yoga with Nag/Naga Dosha or Karaka Dosha.
If all the 7 planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu then Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. Therefore it is essential that such natives should arrange for remedy of Kaal Sarp Yog so that lucky planets of the horoscope could render favorable results.
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The KaalSarp Yantra |
Types of Kaalsarp Yoga
Anant Kaalsarp Yoga
When rahu is in the first House and Ketu in the seventh house and the rest of the planets are left to this axis the Yoga which arises is the Anant Kalsarp Yoga. This is also called as Vipareeta Kaalsarp Yoga opposite Kaalsarp yoga. Though this yoga has the power to give windfall gains to the native, it is bad for marital life. Generally natives with this yoga get married late in life .
Shankachood Kaalsarp Yoga
When rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu is in the 3rd house this yoga operates. Natives who have this yoga in the chart have many ups and down in life. They have a habit of speaking lies. They are also short tempered.
Ghatak Kaalsarp Yoga
This yoga arises when rahu is in tenth house and ketu in the fourth house.Litigation problems are common is this case. Punishment by law or the Government also possible. However if this yoga operates in a beneficial manner then it has the power to confer the highest form of political power ,special in Virgo and Leo ascendant.
Kulik Kaalsarp Yoga
When rahu occupies the second house and Ketu the eighth house Kulik Kaalsarp Yoga arises. This combination is bad for health. The probability of losses and accidents is high with natives of this combination. This is bad for financial prosperity too. The native is worried on account of an insecure financial standing.
Vasuki Kaalsarp Yoga
When rahu occupies the third house and Ketu the ninth house and the rest of the planets are located to the left of the Rahu Ketu axis this yoga is born. The native is burdened with problems relating to job and business.
Shankpal Kaalsarp Yoga
When rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th this yoga is Formed. The native gets trouble relating to work sphere and has to go through stress and anxiety. Sometimes the native has an illegitimate child or can be an illegitimate child. However this yoga also has the power of conferring high political success and windfall gains.
Padam Kaalsarp Yoga
When rahu occupies the fifth house and Ketu the eleventh house this Yoga is formed. The native is worried on account of children. There is difficulty in getting a progeny. If the moon is also afflicted then there is the possibility of being troubled by spirits. In this case if a native falls ill the recovery time is slow. There are also chances of being let down by friends in this case.
Mahapadam Kaalsarp Yoga
This yoga is formed when rahu is in the 6th house and Ketu is in the twelfth house. The native has many enemies and has problems on account of diseases. However if this yoga acts beneficially it has the power to confer power and political success.
Takshak Kaalsarp Yoga
When rahu is in the seventh house and Ketu in the first house this yoga is formed. The native has got speculative tendencies and can lose wealth by way of wine, women and gambling. There is marital discord in the life of the native.
Karkotak Kaalsarp Yoga
When rahu occupies the eighth house and Ketu the second house this yoga is formed. The native is short tempered and has many enemies. Such a native has friendship with the anti social elements. The native does not get paternal wealth.
Vishdhar Kaalsarp Yoga
When rahu occupies the eleventh house and ketu the fifth house the yoga which arises is the Vishdhar Kaalsarp Yoga. The native travels frequently and is never fixed at on place. Problems also arise from children. However these natives get some peace in the latter half of their life.
Sheshnag Kaalsarp Yoga
When Rahu occupies the twelfth house and ketu the 6th house this yoga arises. The native has problems relating to litigation. There are may enemies and health problems.
The Kaalsarp Yoga is not always bad. It has the power to confer gains too.
All planets must be hemmed between rahu and ketu.
Even if one planet is outside the Rahu Ketu axis there is no Kaalsarp Yoga.
Rahu equals moon's north node. Ketu equals moon's south node.
The Kaal Sarp Yog is of two types- Ascending and Descending. If all the 7 planets are
eaten away by Rahu's mouth then it is Ascending Kaal Sarp Yog. If all planets are situated in back of Rahu then Descending Kaal Sarp Yog is formed.
If all houses situated between Rahu and Ketu have planets then Kaal Sarp Yog is fully effective. If Sun or Moon is present with Rahu or Ketu then this yoga is more lethal. If Rahu, Sun and Moon are all situated together then Grahan Kaal Sarp Yog is formed.
If all houses situated between Rahu and Ketu have planets then Kaal Sarp Yog is fully effective. If Sun or Moon is present with Rahu or Ketu then this yoga is more lethal. If Rahu, Sun and Moon are all situated together then Grahan Kaal Sarp Yog is formed.
This is 1000 times more powerful. For such a native it is essential to arrange for
remedies and shanti of Kaal Sarp Yog.
If in horoscope all 7 planets are between Rahu and Ketu but partially few planets are outside the axis of Rahu and Ketu then Partial Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. If only one planet
If in horoscope all 7 planets are between Rahu and Ketu but partially few planets are outside the axis of Rahu and Ketu then Partial Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. If only one planet
is outside the axis of Rahu and Ketu then also Partial Kaal Sarp Yog is formed.
The Effects of Kaal Sarp Yog:
The native having Kaal Sarp Yog suffers from mental unrest, hurdles in gain of wealth, barriers in having children and uninterrupted disputes in married life. Usually the native
The Effects of Kaal Sarp Yog:
The native having Kaal Sarp Yog suffers from mental unrest, hurdles in gain of wealth, barriers in having children and uninterrupted disputes in married life. Usually the native
sees bad dreams and there is danger of sudden death. Different fears and worries persist. The native does not get full reward of his talents. Normally the success in work is delayed. Sudden loss of money or prestige is an indication of this yoga. The native without any reason suffers from diseases that are not cured by medicine.
The prescribed remedies of Kaal Sarp Yog can give relief from these problems. According to horoscope whenever the mahadasha or antardasha of Rahu/Ketu comes then
The prescribed remedies of Kaal Sarp Yog can give relief from these problems. According to horoscope whenever the mahadasha or antardasha of Rahu/Ketu comes then
Kaal Sarp Yog is more effective. The transit of Rahu and Ketu through Rahu or Ketu or Moon of natal chart also makes this yoga more influential. At that time remedies or worship carried out with devotion are highly useful. You can also lit lamp of mustard
oil for 43 days before Kaal Sarp Yog Yantra to get rid of troubles and to ensure all round development.
Due to Kaal Sarp Yog the native suffers from diseases such as heart, eyes and ears
Due to Kaal Sarp Yog the native suffers from diseases such as heart, eyes and ears
trouble many times that cause loss of money. The native remains mentally disturbed from time to time. The physique is not sound.
The native generally lives away from his native place and wanders from one place to another. The enemies of the native hatch conspiracies against him and try to cause harm but they are not successful usually. The native faces many problems in arguments, legal cases and conflicts; defeat is not ruled out. There may be some loss due to lawsuits. On many occasions there is fall of prestige or there is lack of esteem. The success is like a mirage. The native's way of working is peculiar. There are hurdles in life and native has to struggle for moving ahead.
The financial position remains little fragile. There could be debts but these are paid back though with some difficulty. Goals can be achieved but after delays. However the native also gets a miraculous time in life. The native gets renown at the fag end of his life or after his death.
Rahu and Ketu are two modes of Moon and they are regarded as full-fledged planets in Astrology. They are considered as most dreaded planets. Rahu is the Dragon’s head and Ketu as Dragon’s tail. Both of them form a malefic yoga, known as Kal-Sarp Yoga. In Astrology, this Yoga is supposed to have direct impact on the following events :
- It causes deterioration of health and reduces longevity.
- It causes imprisonment or serious accident.
- It causes separation, divorce and marital discord.
- It causes poverty and destruction of wealth.
- It causes destruction of business and loss of job.
- It causes destruction of kingdoms and rulers.
- It causes downfall of most powerful persons in politics.
Formation of Kalsarp Yoga :
- All the planets should be within the orbit of Rahu and Ketu.
- Rahu should be at the upper end and ketu at the lower end.
- There is no planet outside the arch.
- That there is no planet conjuncting with Rahu or Ketu.
- That all the seven planets should face Rahu,which is always retrograde.
Impact of Kal-Sarp Yoga :
- Rahu in first house and Ketu in 7th house: Downfall, loss of position and reputation, mishappening, marital discord, loss of wife and children.
- Rahu in second house and Ketu in 8th house : Reduction in wealth and health causes poverty, worries defects in body and lot of travelling.
- Rahu in 3rd house and Ketu in 9th house : Involved in criminal activities, unpopular, waste energy and wealth, selfish, accident prone and paralysis is possible.
- Rahu in 4th house and Ketu in 10th house : Loss of property, disappoint-ment, loss of job and business, unhappiness, sarpdosha unhappy and unsettled life.
- Rahu in 5th and Ketu in 11th house : Heavy losses in litigation, failure in love affair, loss of children and betrayal by friends.
- Rahu in 6th house and Ketu in 12th house : imprisonment, secret enemies, bad health and serious sickness and set backs in married life.
Note : The impact is more severe if Rahu has support of Sun and Saturn.
Duration of Kal-Sarp Yoga :
- Rahu in 1st house: upto 27 years of age.
- Rahu in 2nd house: upto 33 years of age.
- Rahu in 3rd house: upto 36 years of age.
- Rahu in 4th house: upto 42 years of age.
- Rahu in 5th house: upto 48 years of age.
- Rahu in 6th house: upto 54 years of age.
Notes :
- It causes malefic impact on houses occupied by Rahu and Ketu.
- It causes malefic impact on houses aspected by Rahu and ketu.
- It spoils the benefic planets joining with Rahu and Ketu.
- It causes severe hardship when related with Sun and Saturn or the lords of the houses occupied by Sun, Saturn,Rahu and Ketu.
- Its impact will be clearly noticed during periods and interperiods of Rahu and Ketu.
- Its impact is more severe when Rahu/Ketu are in 1,5 or 9th position from themselves or Sun, Mars and Saturn.
- Sometimes it pushes a man to great heights.
- Sometimes it gives benefic results, when Rahu/Ketu are aspected by benefic planets, specially Jupiter or Venus.
- Ketu is always 180 degrees from the longitude of Rahu
- In case Uranus, Neptune or Pluto are outside the arch of Rahu and Ketu, no Kal-Sarp Yoga is formed.
- Ketu’s aspect is less malefic than Rahu
- Raja Yogas in the chart are more effective than Kal-Sarp Yoga
- This Yoga causes great harm to th4e family, society and nation through the person who has Kal-Sarp Yoga
- This Yoga plays important role in Mundane Astrology
- Rahu joining ninth Mars in any chart create criminals or suicide or serious accident or murder
- Rahu and Saturn joining in any house destroy the 7th house, the house opposite them
- Rahu in transit creating relations with Jupiter or Venus gives benefic results
- Ketu moving over any planet is evil for the significations of the concerned house
The native generally lives away from his native place and wanders from one place to another. The enemies of the native hatch conspiracies against him and try to cause harm but they are not successful usually. The native faces many problems in arguments, legal cases and conflicts; defeat is not ruled out. There may be some loss due to lawsuits. On many occasions there is fall of prestige or there is lack of esteem. The success is like a mirage. The native's way of working is peculiar. There are hurdles in life and native has to struggle for moving ahead.
The financial position remains little fragile. There could be debts but these are paid back though with some difficulty. Goals can be achieved but after delays. However the native also gets a miraculous time in life. The native gets renown at the fag end of his life or after his death.
Rahu and Ketu are two modes of Moon and they are regarded as full-fledged planets in Astrology. They are considered as most dreaded planets. Rahu is the Dragon’s head and Ketu as Dragon’s tail. Both of them form a malefic yoga, known as Kal-Sarp Yoga. In Astrology, this Yoga is supposed to have direct impact on the following events :
- It causes deterioration of health and reduces longevity.
- It causes imprisonment or serious accident.
- It causes separation, divorce and marital discord.
- It causes poverty and destruction of wealth.
- It causes destruction of business and loss of job.
- It causes destruction of kingdoms and rulers.
- It causes downfall of most powerful persons in politics.
Formation of Kalsarp Yoga :
- All the planets should be within the orbit of Rahu and Ketu.
- Rahu should be at the upper end and ketu at the lower end.
- There is no planet outside the arch.
- That there is no planet conjuncting with Rahu or Ketu.
- That all the seven planets should face Rahu,which is always retrograde.
Impact of Kal-Sarp Yoga :
- Rahu in first house and Ketu in 7th house: Downfall, loss of position and reputation, mishappening, marital discord, loss of wife and children.
- Rahu in second house and Ketu in 8th house : Reduction in wealth and health causes poverty, worries defects in body and lot of travelling.
- Rahu in 3rd house and Ketu in 9th house : Involved in criminal activities, unpopular, waste energy and wealth, selfish, accident prone and paralysis is possible.
- Rahu in 4th house and Ketu in 10th house : Loss of property, disappoint-ment, loss of job and business, unhappiness, sarpdosha unhappy and unsettled life.
- Rahu in 5th and Ketu in 11th house : Heavy losses in litigation, failure in love affair, loss of children and betrayal by friends.
- Rahu in 6th house and Ketu in 12th house : imprisonment, secret enemies, bad health and serious sickness and set backs in married life.
Note : The impact is more severe if Rahu has support of Sun and Saturn.
Duration of Kal-Sarp Yoga :
- Rahu in 1st house: upto 27 years of age.
- Rahu in 2nd house: upto 33 years of age.
- Rahu in 3rd house: upto 36 years of age.
- Rahu in 4th house: upto 42 years of age.
- Rahu in 5th house: upto 48 years of age.
- Rahu in 6th house: upto 54 years of age.
Notes :
- It causes malefic impact on houses occupied by Rahu and Ketu.
- It causes malefic impact on houses aspected by Rahu and ketu.
- It spoils the benefic planets joining with Rahu and Ketu.
- It causes severe hardship when related with Sun and Saturn or the lords of the houses occupied by Sun, Saturn,Rahu and Ketu.
- Its impact will be clearly noticed during periods and interperiods of Rahu and Ketu.
- Its impact is more severe when Rahu/Ketu are in 1,5 or 9th position from themselves or Sun, Mars and Saturn.
- Sometimes it pushes a man to great heights.
- Sometimes it gives benefic results, when Rahu/Ketu are aspected by benefic planets, specially Jupiter or Venus.
- Ketu is always 180 degrees from the longitude of Rahu
- In case Uranus, Neptune or Pluto are outside the arch of Rahu and Ketu, no Kal-Sarp Yoga is formed.
- Ketu’s aspect is less malefic than Rahu
- Raja Yogas in the chart are more effective than Kal-Sarp Yoga
- This Yoga causes great harm to th4e family, society and nation through the person who has Kal-Sarp Yoga
- This Yoga plays important role in Mundane Astrology
- Rahu joining ninth Mars in any chart create criminals or suicide or serious accident or murder
- Rahu and Saturn joining in any house destroy the 7th house, the house opposite them
- Rahu in transit creating relations with Jupiter or Venus gives benefic results
- Ketu moving over any planet is evil for the significations of the concerned house
- Rahu and Ketu generally behaves like lord of the sign occupied by them or the planet conjuncting with them.
- If Ascendant is outside the arch of Kal-Sarp Yoga, the malefic impact is reduced.
- The dispositors of Rahu and Ketu also play important role in determining the benefic or malefic impact.
- Rahu in 3rd or 6th house in Aries, Taurus or Cancer sign does not give malefic results. It is benefic and gives benefic results.
- Rahu in 10th house or aspecting 10th house and its lord along with Sun and Saturn destroy the native’s career. In case of 7th house separation and divorce id possible
- Rahu and Mars in 3rd house causes accident and damages to life.
- Rahu + Mars + Sat in ascendant: Dangerous personality.
If you are feeling above disturbances then arrange for following remedies; you will definitely get relief.
Establish Kaal Sarp Faults Removal Yantra in your home and worship it regularly.
Recite "Om Namah Shivay" daily.
Give coal to flowing water (such as a river) on three occasions during auspicious time.
Fix a swastik made of silver at an auspicious time on your main door and on its both sides fix snake figures made of metal.
Take meals by sitting in your kitchen.
Feed birds for 1¼ month by barley.
Recite Hanuman Chalisa every day.
Worship a snake made of silver on Nag Panchami; remember your ancestors (pitra) and give this snake to flowing water (such as a river) or sea with a devoted mind.
Make a snake of silver or eight metals and wear it in your finger.
Recite daily Rahu Kavach, Stotra
Boil pine, mustard and loban (benzoin) in water and take bath with this water (only once).
Alms for Rahu:
Donate agate, gold, lead, til (sesame) mustard, blue clothes etc.ers, sword, blankets, horse etc from time to time.
Remedies for Rahu and Ketu Use blue handkerchief, blue watchstrap, blue pen, and iron ring.
Recite Nav Nag stotra daily for one year.
Wear Nagpaash Yantra at an auspicious time after recitation of mantras.
On every Monday do abhishek (bathe the deity) of Lord Shankar by yogurt by chanting Har Har Mahadev.
Important: Kindly note that worship of Kaal Sarp Yog is done only by wooden sandal. Don’t use sindoor, roli(red lead) etc.
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