Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Wearing Gemstones according to Ascendant House
The most important logic behind the provision of wearing gemstones is that, the ascendant house is the most important factor in one's horoscope. If the ruling planet of the ascendant house is in a weak position, the whole horoscope can be safely designated as weak. In such a horoscope, other planets too cannot show their full influence no matter how powerful they are. If the ascendant house is weak in a horoscope, wearing of gemstones are related to planets other than the ruler of the ascendant house proves fruitless. Almost all the astrologers therefore suggest to wear the stone that is related to the ruling planet of the ascendant house. Following are the gemstones which can be worn according to one’s ascendant house.
Ascendant house Aries: Mars is the ruling planet of this house. It will be beneficial for the people with Aries as the ascendant house to wear coral but such people may also wear ruby, pearl or topaz and reap rich benefits. Such people may also go for the following combinations of the gemstones: coral, pearl and ruby; coral, ruby and topaz or coral, topaz and pearl. These combinations prove extremely beneficial for such people.
Ascendant house Taurus: Venus is the ruling planet of this house. It will be beneficial for the people with Taurus as their ascendant house to wear diamond. But such people may also wear blue sapphire for Saturn and emerald for Mercury. They may also go for the various combinations of these gemstones.
Ascendant house Gemini: Mercury is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people who have Gemini as the ascendant house must wear emerald. They may also wear diamond or both of the gems together.
Ascendant house Cancer: Moon is the lord of this house. Hence the people with Cancer as the ascendant house must wear pearl. They may also wear coral. In the opinion of some experts, such people may also wear ruby and topaz.
Ascendant house Leo: Sun is the lord of this house. Hence, the people with Leo as the ascendant house must wear ruby. Besides it, they may also wear coral, pearl and topaz as well either alone or in combination. However, among these stones, coral will yield highest benefit while pearl and topaz may exert somewhat weaker influence.
Ascendant house Virgo: Mercury is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people with Virgo as ascendant house must wear emerald. Some experts however believe that such people may also be benefited from pearl.
Ascendant house Libra: Venus is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people with Libra as the ascendant house must wear diamond. Apart from it, they may also wear and reap benefits from blue sapphire and emerald.
Ascendant house Scorpio: Mars is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people with Scorpio as the ascendant house must wear coral. They may also wear ruby, pearl and topaz.
Ascendant house Sagittarius: Jupiter is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people with Sagittarius as the ascendant house must wear topaz. They may also wear ruby because the position of sun in their horoscope is usually strong.
Ascendant house Capricorn: Saturn is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people with Capricorn as the ascendant house must wear blue sapphire. They may also wear diamond and pearl, if the position of moon is strong in their horoscope.
Ascendant house Aquarius: Saturn is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people with Aquarius as the ascendant house must wear blue sapphire. They may also wear diamond.
Ascendant house Pisces: Jupiter is the ruling planet of this house. Hence the people with Pisces as the ascendant house must wear topaz. They may also wear pearl. Some experts suggest that such people may also wear ruby and emerald but the beneficial influence of these two gems is doubtful.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Selection of Bed Sheet Colour according to Disease
This one post is dedicated to my teacher and guide who has done lot of research on this subject..
According to researches the colour of your bed sheet can play a major role as a remedy to cure of a disease.
RED: Cough, Cold, Jaundice, Paralysis, White spots on skin.
ORANGE: Liver, Kidney, Hysteria, Joint problems, lack of confidence
YELLOW: Constipation, Stomach and gastric problems.
GREEN: Heart, Eyes, Blood related diseases, Cancer.
BLUE: Asthma, Breathing problems, Nose, Ear, Teeth, Lungs.
SKY BLUE: Mouth diseases, Throat, Swelling in body, Hypertension.
VIOLET: Hair fall, Untimely whitening of hairs, knot of any type anywhere.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra:. Effects of 5th House
1-3. O Brahmin, now I tell you the effects, related to 5th House. If the Lords of Lagna and 5th are in their own Rāśis, or in an angle, or in a trine, one will enjoy thorough happiness through his children. Should 5ths Lord be in 6th, 8th, or 12th House, there will be no offspring. Should the Lord of 5th be combust, or be with malefics and be weak, there will be no children; even, if per chance issues are obtained, they will only quit the world soon. The Conjunct of 5ths Lord with Lagnas Lord in a good House will ensure early obtainment of children apart from happiness through them. If they join in an evil House, they will prove a defect in this respect.
4. If 5ths Lord is in 6th House, as Lagnas Lord is conjunct with Mars, the native will lose his very first child, whereafter his female will not be fertile to yield an offspring.
5. Should 5ths Lord be in fall in 6th, 8th, or 12th House, while Mercury and Ketu are in 5th House, the natives wife will give birth to one child only.
6. If 5ths Lord is in fall and be not in Aspect to 5th, while Saturn and Mercury are in 5th, the natives wife will give birth to one child only.
7. Should 9ths Lord be in Lagna, while 5ths Lord is in fall and Ketu is in 5th along with Mercury, obtainment of progeny will be after a great deal of ordeal.
8. If 5ths Lord is in 6th, 8th, or 12th House, or be in an inimical Rāśi, or be in fall, or in 5th itself, the native will beget issues with difficulty.
9. Should 5th House be owned by Saturn, or Mercury and be occupied, or aspected by Saturn and Mandi, one will have adopted issues.
10. Should Sun and Moon be together in a Rāśi and in the same Navāmśa, the native will be brought up by three mothers, or two fathers.
11. Adopted issue is indicated, if 5th is tenanted by six Planets, while its Lord is in 12th House and Moon and Lagna are endowed with strength.
12. There will be many children, if 5ths Lord is strong, while 5th is aspected by strong Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
13. If 5ths Lord is with Moon, or is in her Decanate, the native will beget daughters.
14. If 5ths Lord is in a Movable Rāśi, while Saturn is in 5th, as Rahu is with Moon, the child (so born) is of questionable birth.
15. Undoubtedly the native is born of others loins, if Moon is in the 8th from Lagna, while Jupiter is in the 8th from Moon. Malefics Aspect, or Conjunct is essential in this Yoga.
16. If 5ths Lord is exalted, or be in 2nd, 5th, or 9th House, or be conjunct with, or aspected by Jupiter, obtainment of children will be there.
17. One will obtain children, that will indulge in mean deeds, if 5th is occupied by three, or four malefics, while 5ths Lord is in fall. A benefic (including Mercury) in 5th is excluded in the said combination.
18. If 5th is occupied by Jupiter, while its Lord is with Venus, one will obtain an offspring in his 32nd, or 33rd year.
19. Should 5ths Lord be in an angle along with Jupiter, the Karak, one will beget a child at the age of 30, or 36.
20. If Jupiter is in 9th House, while Venus is in the 9th from Jupiter along with Lagnas Lord, one will beget a child at the age of 40.
21. The native will at the age of 32 lose his child, if Rahu is in 5th, 5ths Lord is in Conjunct with a malefic and Jupiter is in debilitation.
22. There will be loss of children at 33 and 36, if a malefic is in the 5th from Jupiter, while another is in the 5th from Lagna.
23. Should Mandi be in Lagna, while Lagnas Lord is in fall, grief on account of loss of child at the age of 56 will come to pass.
24-32. Number of Children. There will be 10 sons, if 4th House and 6th House are occupied by malefics, while 5ths Lord is in deep exaltation, joining Lagnas Lord, as Jupiter is with another benefic. Nine will be the number of sons, that one will beget, if Jupiter is in deep exaltation, as Rahu is with 2nds Lord and 9th is occupied by its own Lord. There will be eight sons, if Jupiter is in 5th, or 9th House, while 5ths Lord is endowed with strength and 2nds Lord is in 10th House. Saturn in 9th House, while 5ths Lord is in 5th itself, gives 7 sons, out of which twins will be born twice. If 5ths Lord is in 5th in Conjunct with 2nds Lord, there will be birth of 7 sons, out of which 3 will pass away. Only one son is denoted, if there be a malefic in 5th House, while Jupiter is in the 5th from Saturn, or vice versa. If 5th House has a malefic in it, or, if Saturn is in the 5th from Jupiter, the native will beget offspring only through his second, or third wife. Should 5th be occupied by a malefic, while Jupiter is conjunct with Saturn in 5th House, as Lagnas Lord is in 2nd House and 5ths Lord is conjunct with Mars, one will live long, but lose his children one after the other, as they are born.
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra: Effects of 4th House
1. O excellent of the Brahmins, thus have been briefly told the effects of 3rd House. Now listen to the results, related to 4th House.
2. Housing Comforts. One will have residential comforts in full degree, if 4th is occupied by its Lord, or by Lagnas Lord and be aspected by a benefic.
3. Miscellaneous. Should 5ths Lord be in his own House, or in own Navāmśa, or in exaltation, the native will be endowed with comforts, related to lands, conveyances, houses etc. and musical instruments.
4. Housing Comforts. If 10ths Lord joins 4ths Lord in an angle, or in a trine, the native will acquire beautiful mansions.
5. Relatives. Should Mercury be in Lagna, while 4ths Lord, being a benefic, is aspected by another benefic, the native will be honoured by his relatives.
6. Long-living Mother. If 4th House is occupied by a benefic, while its Lord is in his exaltation Rāśi, as the indicator of mother is endowed with strength, the native will have a long-living mother.
7. Happiness of Mother. The natives mother will be happy, if 4ths Lord is in an angle, while Venus is also in an angle, as Mercury is exalted.
8. Quadrupeds. Sun in 4th, Moon and Saturn in 9th and Mars in 11th House; this Yoga will confer cows and buffaloes on the native.
9. Dumbness. Should 4th House be a Movable one, while its Lord and Mars are together in 6th, or 8th House, the native will be dumb.
10-14. Conveyances. If Lagnas Lord is a benefic, while 4ths Lord is in fall, or in 11th House and the significator (Venus) is in 12th House, the native will obtain conveyances in his 12th year. Should Sun be in 4th House, as 4ths Lord is exalted and be with Venus, one will acquire conveyances in his 32nd year. It will be in the 42nd year, that one will be endowed with conveyances, if 4ths Lord joins 10ths Lord in his (4th Lords) exaltation Navāmśa. An exchange between 11ths and 4ths Lords will confer conveyances in the 12th year. A benefic, related to 4th House (and to its Lord), will bring with him auspicious effects (regarding conveyances), while a malefic will produce only malefic effects (in respect of conveyances). Should a benefic be in 4th, aspect 4th, or in conjunct with the Lord of 4th, or a Aspect on the Lord of 4th House, then the native will be happy with conveyances and be free from accidents and dangers. A malefic, replacing the said benefic, will cause losses, concerning vehicles and reduce one to severe accidents.
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra:Effects of 3rd House
1. O Brahmin, I now tell you about 3rd House. Should 3rd House be conjunct with, or aspected by a benefic, the native will be endowed with co-born and be courageous.
2. If 3rds Lord along with Mars aspects 3rd House, the native will enjoy good results, due to 3rd House. Alternatively these two Planets may be in 3rd itself.
3. Destruction at once of co-born will come to pass, if the said 2 Planets are together with a malefic, or in a Rāśi, owned by a malefic.
4. Female and Male Co-born. If 3rds Lord is a female Planet, or, if 3rd House be occupied by female Planets, one will have sisters, born after him. Similarly male Planets and male Rāśis denote younger brothers. Should it be of mixed nature, co-born of both sexes will be obtained. These effects be declared after assessing the strength and weakness of the concerned.
5-6. Should 3rds Lord and Mars be together in 8th House, destruction of co-born will result. Happiness in this respect will come to pass, if Mars, or 3rds Lord is in an angle, or in a trine, or in exaltation, or friendly divisions.
7-11. Number of Brothers and Sisters. If Mercury is in 3rd House, while 3rds Lord and Moon are together, as the indicator (Mars) joins Saturn, the effects are: there occurred the birth of an elder sister and there will be younger brothers. Furthermore, the third brother will die. Should Mars be conjunct with Rahu, while 3rds Lord is in his debilitation Rāśi, there will be loss of younger brothers and/or sisters, while three elder brothers and/or sisters were attained by the native. If 3rds Lord is in an angle, while the significator (Mars) is exalted in a trine and be conjunct with Jupiter, 12 will be the number of total co-born. Out of these two elders and the 3rd, the 7th, the 9th and the 12th of the younger co-born will be shortlived, while six of the said twelve will be longlived.
12-13. There will be 1 co-born, if 12ths Lord (some texts read, as 11ths Lord) joins Mars and Jupiter, while 3rd House is occupied by Moon. If Moon is lonely placed in 3rd House with Aspect of male Planets, there will be younger brothers, while the Aspect of Venus denotes younger sisters.
14. Adverse Planets. Sun in 3rd House will destroy the preborn. The afterborn will be destroyed, if Saturn is found in 3rd House. In the same situation Mars will destroy both the preborn and later-born.
15. After estimating the strength and weakness of such Yogas, the effects, related to brothers and sisters, be announced.
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra:Effects of 2nd House
1-2. Combinations for Wealth. O excellent of the Brahmins, listen to me, speaking on the effects of 2nd House. If the Lord of 2nd is in 2nd, or is in an angle, or in trine, he will promote ones wealth (or monetary state). Should he be in 6th/8th/12th, financial conditions will decline. A benefic in 2nd will give wealth, while a malefic instead will destroy wealth.
3. One will be wealthy, if Jupiter is in 2nd, as the Lord of 2nd, or is with Mars.
4. If 2nd Lord is in 11th, while the Lord of 11th in 2nd, wealth will be acquired by the native. Alternately these two Lords may join in an angle, or in a trine.
5. If the Lord of 2nd is in an angle, while 11th Lord is in a trine thereof, or is aspected by, or conjunct with Jupiter and Venus, the subject will be wealthy.
6-7. Yogas for Poverty. One will be penniless, if the Lord of 2nd House is in an evil House, while the Lord of 11th House is also so placed and 2nd House is occupied by a malefic. There will be penury right from birth and the native will have to beg even for his food, if the Lords of 2nd and 11th House are both combust, or with malefics.
8. Loss of Wealth through the King. Should the Lords of 2nd and 11th House be relegated to 6th, 8th, or 12th House, while Mars is in 11th House and Rahu is in 2nd House, the native will lose his wealth on account of royal punishments.
9. Expenses on Good Accounts. When Jupiter is in 11th, Venus is in 2nd and a benefic is placed in 12th House, while 2nds Lord is conjunct with a benefic, there will be expenses on religious, or ch6thtable grounds.
10. Fame etc. If 2nds Lord is in own Rāśi, or is exalted, the native will look after his people, will help others and also will become famous.11. Effortless Aquisition. If 2nds Lord is conjunct with a benefic and is in a good division, like Paravatāńś, there will be effortlessly all kinds of wealth in the natives family. (Paravatāńśdau of the text denotes Paravat, or such other higher Vargaas: 2nds Lord should be in Paravatāńś, or in Devalokāńśa, Brahmalokāńśa, Sakravahanāńś, or Sridhamāńś in the Dash Varga scheme)
12. Eyes. If 2nd Lord is endowed with strength, the native will possess beautiful eyes. Should the said Planet be in 6th, 8th, or 12th House, there will be disease, or deformity of eyes.
13. Untruthful Person. If 2nd House and its Lord are conjunct with malefics, the native will be a talebearer, will speak untruth and will be afflicted by windy diseases.
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra: Effects of 1st House
1-2. Physical comforts. Should Lagna Lord be conjunct with a malefic, or be in 8th, 6th, or 12th, physical felicity will diminish. If he is in an angle, or trine there will be at all times comforts of the body. If Lagna Lord is in debilitation, combustion, or enemy Rāśi, there will be diseases. With a benefic in an angle, or trine all diseases will disappear. Lagnas angles (i.e. 4th, 7th, or the 10th), or its trine (5th, 9th), containing a benefic, is a powerful remedy for all, related to health.
3. There will not be bodily health, if Lagna, or Moon be aspected by, or conjunct with a malefic, being devoid of a benefics Aspect.
4. Bodily Beauty. A benefic in Lagna will give a pleasing appearance, while a malefic will make one bereft of good appearance. Felicity of the body will be enjoyed, if Lagna is aspected by, or conjunct with a benefic.
5-7. Other Benefits. If Lagna Lord, Mercury, Jupiter, or Venus be in an angle, or in a trine, the native will be long lived, wealthy, intelligent and liked by the king. Fame, wealth, abundant pleasures and comforts of the body will be acquired, if Lagna Lord is in a Movable Rāśi and be aspected by a benefic Planet. One will be endowed with royal marks (of fortune), if Mercury, Jupiter, or Venus be in Lagna along with the Moon, or be in angle from Lagna. If Mercury, Jupiter, or Venus be in 4th, 7th, or 10th from Lagna, or be in the company of Moon in Lagna, the native will enjoy royal fortunes.
8. Coiled Birth. If there be a birth in one of Aries, Taurus and Leo Lagnas, containing either Saturn, or Mars, the birth of the child is with a coil around a limb. The corresponding limb will be in accordance with the Rāśi, or Navāmśa, rising.
9. Birth of Twins. The native, who has Sun in a quadruped Rāśi, while others are in Dual Rāśis with strength, is born, as one of the twins.
10. To Be Nurtured by Three Mothers. If Sun and Moon join in one and the same House and fall in one Navāmśa, the native will be nurtured by three different mothers for the first three months from its birth and will later on be brought up by its father and brother.
11. Important. The learned in Jyotishya should base the effects on Moon also, as are applicable to Lagna. Now explained are clues to know of ulcers, identity marks etc. on ones person.
12-14. Decanates and Bodily Limbs. Head, eyes, ears, nose, temple, chin and face is the order of limbs, denoted (by the v6thous Houses), when the first decanate of a Rāśi ascends. In the case of the second decanate ascending the order is neck, shoulder, arm, side, heart, stomach and navel. The order for the third decanate ascending is pelvis, anus/penis, testicles, thigh, knee, calf and foot. The portion already risen indicates left side of the body (while the one yet to rise, i.e. the invisible half, denotes the right side of the body).
15. Limbs Affected. The limb, related to a malefic by occupation, will have ulcers, or scars, while the one, related to a benefic, will have a mark (like moles etc).
Also see Sloka 6, Ch. 4 of Saravali, which states, that a malefic, or a benefic, if be in own Rāśi, or Navāmśa, the effects will be right from birth. In other cases it will be in the course of ones life, that these effects will come to pass)
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra: Judgment of Houses
1. O Mahārśi Parashara, I have come to know of the evils and antidotes thereof from you. Please tell me, what is to be deduced from each House.
2. Indications of 1st House. Mahārśi Parashara replies. Physique, appearance, intellect (or the organ of intelligence, i.e. brain), complexion of the body, vigor, weakness, happiness, grief and innate nature are all to be guessed through the ascending Rāśi.
3. Indications of 2nd House. Wealth, grains (food etc.), family, death, enemies, metals, precious stones etc. are to be understood through 2nd House.
4. Indications of 3rd House. From 3rd House know of the following: valor, servants (attending etc.), brothers, sisters etc., initiatory instructions (Upadesha), journey and parents death.
5. Indications of 4th House. Conveyances, relatives, mother, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings are to be consulted through 4th House.
6. Indications of 5th House. The learned should deduce from 5th House amulets, sacred spells, learning, knowledge, sons, royalty (or authority), fall of position etc.
7. Indications of 6th House. Maternal uncle, doubts about death, enemies, ulcers, step-mother etc. are to be estimated from 6th House.
8. Indications of 7th House. Wife, travel, trade, loss of sight, death etc. be known from 7th House.
9. Indications of 8th House. 8th House indicates longevity, battle, enemies, forts, wealth of the dead and things, that have happened and are to happen (in the past and future births).
10. Indications of 9th House. Fortunes, wife’s brother, religion, brothers wife, visits to shrines etc. be known from 9th House.
11. Indications of 10th House. Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honour, father, living in foreign lands and debts are to be understood from 10th House.
12. Indications of 11th House. All articles, sons wife, income, prosperity, quadrupeds etc. are to be understood from 11th House.
13. Indications of 12th House. From 12th House, one can know about expenses, history of enemies, ones own death etc.
14-16. Prosperity, or Annihilation of a House. Predict prosperity of the House, which is conjunct with, or aspected by a benefic. Also, when its Lord is in Yuvavastha, or Prabuddhavastha, or in Kismaravastha, or in 10th House, the Houses well-being is indicated. The House, which is not aspected by its Lord, or, whose Lord is with a malefic Planet, or with one of the Lords of evil and such other Houses (i.e. 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th), or is defeated in a war between Planets, or is in one of the three Avasthas, viz, Vriddhavastha, Mritavastha and Suptavastha.
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra: Antidotes for Evils
1. Those are the evils (due to a native). I now narrate the antidotes for such evils as well, which will be helpful to assess the extent of inauspiciousness.
2. Should one among Mercury, Jupiter and Venus be in an angle from Lagna, all evils are destroyed, as Sun eliminates darkness.
3. Just as a single reverential obeisance before Lord Shiva, the Trident holder frees one from all sins, a single, but strong Jupiter in Lagna will ward off all the evils.
4. Lagna Lord is singly capable of counteracting all evils, if he is strongly placed in an angle, just as Lord Shiva, the holder of the Bow destroyed the three cities, built of gold, silver and iron for the demons by Maya.
5. All evils are destroyed, if a benefic aspects Lagna of one born during the night in the bright half. Similarly a malefics Aspect on Lagna of one born during day time in the dark half.
6. Sun in 12th will confer a hundred-year life span on one born in Libra Lagna.
7. It will prove auspicious for the mother as well as the native, if Mars joins, or is aspected by Jupiter.
8. If malefics are surrounded by benefics, while angles, or trines are themselves benefic-occupied, evils disappear soon. Not only this, evils will not follow from the Houses concerned.
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra: Evils at Birth
Sorry people had a bad bout with Flu so couldn’t update this until now…now back for all youj astrology lovers with BPHS…enjoy..

1. O Brahmin, first of all estimate the evils and checking factors thereof through Lagna and then declare the effects of the 12 Houses.
2. Evils, causing premature end, exist up to the 24th year of ones age. As such, no definite calculation of life span should be made till such year of age.
3-6. Short-life Combinations (up to Sloka 23). Should Moon be in 6th, 8th, or 12th House and receives a Aspect from a malefic, the child will die soon. If in the process there be a Aspect from a benefic, it may live up to 8. If a benefic is retrograde in 6th, 8th, or 12th House, receiving a Aspect from a malefic, death will occur within a month of birth. This is true, only when Lagna is not occupied by a benefic. Should 5th House be occupied by Saturn, Mars and Sun jointly, (early) death of mother and brother will come to pass. Mars, placed in 1st, or in 8th House and be conjunct with Saturn, or Sun, or receiving a Aspect from a malefic, being bereft of a Aspect from a benefic, will prove a source of (immediate) death.
7-11. If Saturn and Mars give a Aspect to Lagna, as the lumin6thes are conjunct with Rahu (elsewhere), the child will live a fortnight. Immediate death of the child along with its mother will occur, if Saturn is in 10th House, Moon in 6th House and Mars in 7th House. One will immediately go to the abode of Yama, if Saturn is in 1st House, while Moon and Jupiter are in their order in 8th and 3rd House. Only a month will be the span of ones life, who had Sun in 9th House, Mars in 7th House and Jupiter and Venus in 11th House. All Planets (any Planet) in 12th House will be the source of a short life, specifically the lumin6thes, Venus and Rahu. But the Aspect of these four Planets (on 12th House) will counteract such evils.
12. Moon is capable of causing early end, if she is with a malefic in 7th, 8th, or 1st House and unrelated to a benefic.
13. Early death will come to pass, if there be a birth in the morning, or evening junctions, or in a Hora, ruled by Moon, or in Gandanta, while Moon and malefics occupy Kendras from Lagna.
14. Definition of Sandhya. 3 Ghatis before the sight of the semi disc (half) of the rising Sun and a similar duration, following Sun’s set, are called, as morning twilight and evening twilight, respectively.
15. Early Death. Should all the malefics be in the oriental half, while benefics are in the occidental half, early death of one born in Scorpio will follow. In this case there is no need of any rethinking.
16. Malefic in 12th and 6th House, or in 8th and 2nd House, while Lagna is hemmed between other malefics, will bring early death.
17. Malefics, occupying 1st and 7th House, while Moon is conjunct with a malefic with no relief from a benefic, will also cause premature death.
18. Early death will be inflicted on the native, if decreasing Moon is in 1st House, while malefics capture 8th House and a Kendra. There is no doubt about that.
19. Moon in 1st, 8th, 12th, or 7th House and hemmed between malefics will confer premature death.
20. Should Moon be in 1st House, hemmed between malefics, while 7th, or 8th House has a malefic in it, he will face immediate death along with his mother.
21. Should Saturn, Sun and Mars be in 12th, 9th and 8th House without Aspect from a benefic, the child will face instant death.
22. With a malefic in 7th House, or in the rising Dreshkana, while decreasing Moon is in 1st House, death be experienced early.
23. The life span of the child will be either 2 months, or 6 months only, if all Planets devoid of strength are relegated to Apoklima Houses.
24. Evils to Mother (up to Sloka 33). The mother of the native will incur evils (will die soon), if Moon at birth receives a Aspect from three malefics. Benefics, giving a Aspect to Moon, will bring good to the mother.
25. Should 2nd House be occupied by Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Saturn, the child’s birth has been after its fathers death, while even the mother will face early death.
26. If Moon is in the 7th, or the 8th from a malefic, be herself with a malefic and receives a Aspect from a strong malefic, predict mothers end to be early.
27. The child will not live on mothers milk, but on that of she-goat, if Sun is exalted, or debilitated in 7th House.
28. Should a malefic be in the 4th, identical with an inimical Rāśi, counted from Moon, while there is no benefic in a Kendra, the child will lose its mother in a premature manner. 29. Malefics in 6th and 12th House will bring evils to mother. The child’s father will receive similar effects, if 4th and 10th House are captured by malefics.
30. Mercury in 2nd House, while malefics occupy 1st and 12th House: this Yoga will destroy the entire family.
31. Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu, respectively, posited in 1st, 2nd and 3rd House will cause mothers death early.
32. Doubtlessly the mother will give up the child, if it has malefics in Konas, counted from the decreasing Moon. No benefic shall be conjunct with the said malefics.
33. If Mars and Saturn are together in a Kendra with reference to Moon and occupy one and the same Navāmśa, the child will have two mothers. Yet it will be short-lived.
34. Evil to Father (up to Sloka 42). Ones father will incur early death, if Saturn, Mars and Moon in their orders are in 1st, 7th and 6th House.
35. The native will at the time of his marriage lose his father, if Jupiter is in 1st House, while Saturn, Sun, Mars and Mercury are together in 2nd House.
36. Early loss of father will take place, if Sun is with a malefic, or is hemmed between malefics, as there is another malefic in the 7th from Sun.
37. Remote will be the possibility of ones father sustaining, if Sun is in 7th, while Mars is in 10th and Rahu is in 12th House.
38. Early and troubled will be ones fathers death, if Mars is in 10th House identical with his enemy Rāśi.
39. Moon in 6th House, Saturn in 1st House and Mars in 7th House: this array of heavenly bodies at birth will not ensure a long span of life for the father.
40. If Sun receives a Aspect from Saturn and be in Aries, or in Scorpio Navāmśa, the father would have given up the family before birth of the child, or would have passed away.
41. If 4th, 10th and 12th House are all occupied by malefics, both the parents will leave the child to its own fate and wander from place to place.
42. The father will not see the native till his (the natives) 23rd year, if Rahu and Jupiter are together in an inimical Rāśi identical with 1st, or 4th House.
43-45. Parents. Sun is the indicator of father for all beings, while the mother is indicated by Moon. Should Sun receive a Aspect from one, or more malefics, or be hemmed between them, this will cause evils to father. Similarly Moon be considered in respect of mother. Malefics in the 6th, the 8th, or the 4th from Sun will bring inauspicious results about the father. Malefics in such places from Moon will be adverse for the mother. The strength, or otherwise of the occupants concerned be suitably estimated.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
The U.S. Presidential Elections-an astrological view.
USA will elect its President on 6th November, 2012. Democrats have put up President Obama seeking re-election whilst the Republicans have put up Mitt Romney to oppose him. According to media- it is ‘a close race’. Let us compare the horoscopes of two contenders and try to pick up the winner.
The horoscopes of the two candidates’ are -
(i) Barack Obama, and
(ii) Mitt Romney.
An explanation of the horoscope is being deferred as both are outstanding individuals. The horoscopes are of two persons chosen by the US population after stringent examination and intense media scrutiny.
(i) Barack Obama, and
(ii) Mitt Romney.
An explanation of the horoscope is being deferred as both are outstanding individuals. The horoscopes are of two persons chosen by the US population after stringent examination and intense media scrutiny.
The parameters for the comparison are:-
(a) LUCK- Ninth house and Ninth Lord defines luck which translates the electoral competitiveness of 6th house merging it in the combined efforts of the other eleven houses into the result. The luckier of the two should get the Presidentship.
(b) Navamsha- Navamsha is examined to ascertain the actual worth of an individual. Study it from “Swamsh” as Lagna (Swamsh is the house where AK planet is placed in the Navamsha).
(c) Dasha and Transit- These two provide dynamism to the horoscope and bring it up-to-date. Dasha has the key to open the box where promises of the horoscopes are locked and transit has the responsibility to deliver the results to the jatak.
(d) Retrogression of Mercury on 6th November, 2012- A planet getting retrograde or direct at the time of event influences the outcome of the event. Retrogression of Mercury just at the time of declaration of results may influence the result.

(b) Obama- Obama’s Ninth Lord is Mercury. It is aspecting the Ascendant and Ascendant Lord Saturn in the Ascendant. Saturn is the Ninth Lord from the Moon. Two Ninth Lords Mercury and Saturn are in mutual aspect- we know Obama is very lucky. Now see the 8th house and Lord infringement on 9th house and Lord. Ninth Lord Mercury is conjunct Eighth Lord Sun and, from Moon, Ninth Lord Saturn is conjunct Eighth Lord Jupiter. Obama has his share of religious bigotry- he has a Muslim middle name- Barack Hussain Obama. Obama not only has to repeatedly assert that he is a Christian but he also has to assure the public that he is a US born Christian.
The two future Presidential nominees have their 9thhouse and Ninth Lord ‘smudged by 8th house and Eighth Lord’. One is Mormon and other has a Kenyan father, a Muslim stepfather and Hussain as a middle name. The religious deviation is in both the cases. On luck both appears to be equal. It is as Media says “too close to call”.
The Swamsh:In Swamsh we would examine the 4th house (Masses and Chair), 10th house (Karma and Authority) and the Jaimini Rajyogas.
(a) Romney- His Sun in Ascendant has aspect of Ninth Lord Saturn from 4th house, the Tenth Lord Jupiter aspect Fourth Lord Mercury in 11th house. Fourth Lord Mercury is in Rahu/Ketu axis. Jupiter the Tenth Lord is aspected by exalted Sixth Lord from 8thhouse- this puts small damper. Romney has three Rajyogas viz. Atma Karak-Putra Karak, Amatya Karak-Dara Karak and Fifth Lord-Dara Karak.
(b) Obama- Fourth Lord Jupiter in 4th house aspects the Tenth Lord Mercury exalted in 10th house. Fourth Lord aspected by Saturn the Tenth Lord from Moon, and Mars Fifth Lord from Ascendant in 9th house from Moon.
The Masses and Chair has the influence of the Tenth Lords from Ascendant and Moon respectively. Mars the Fifth Lord placed in 9th house from Moon also aspects the 4thhouse. Obama has three Rajyoga producing planets in the Ascendant making it very strong. The Rajyogas are Amatya Karan-Fifth Lord, Atma Karak-Fifth Lord, total 5.
In ‘Swamsh’ Obama edges ahead of Romney.
Dasha and Transit:
(a) Romney- The Dasha on 6th November, 2012 will be:
Vimshottari- Sun/Mercury/Rahu
Char Dasha- Leo/GeminiSun (Fourth Lord) is in 10th Gemini house conjunct Mercury(R) the Fifth Lord. This 10thhouse is the 4th house from the Romney’s Moon and interestingly Sun is now the Tenth Lord. The Sun-Mercury a conjunction of Fourth Lord and Fifth Lord generates a Rajyoga in 10th house.
Vimshottari- Sun/Mercury/Rahu
Char Dasha- Leo/GeminiSun (Fourth Lord) is in 10th Gemini house conjunct Mercury(R) the Fifth Lord. This 10thhouse is the 4th house from the Romney’s Moon and interestingly Sun is now the Tenth Lord. The Sun-Mercury a conjunction of Fourth Lord and Fifth Lord generates a Rajyoga in 10th house.
This Rajyoga is now unlocked by the dasha of MD Sun and AD Mercury and is ready for giving Romney the victory. But there is a slight snag– Sun the Mahadasha Lord is transiting in the Libra – the 6th house along with the Saturn the Tenth Lord. Saturn’s exaltation helps Sun, the Mahadasha Lord to have a ‘Neech Bhanga' Rajyoga. This is good for an electoral victory. Let us now examine the Eighth house and Lord causing sudden restrictions.
Saturn in Natal chart is Tenth Lord retrograding in 3rd house (8th from 8th house) aspected by the Eighth Lord Jupiter. Sun is not entirely taint free as it is Tenth Lord from Moon conjunct Mercury the Eighth Lord again from Moon in the 4th house from Moon.
Mercury the Eighth Lord from Moon is transiting in Scorpio, the 7th house of the ‘Padprapti’. Mercury is transiting over Jupiter the Eighth Lord. This is bad news for Romney. It becomes worse when one notices Rahu the Pratyantar Dasha Lord also transiting in Scorpio. Rahu’s transit over Natal Jupiter aggravates the bad transit of Mercury.
Now to Chara Dasha, it is Leo/Gemini. Leo is 4th house rashi– good for the chair. Leo is weak as it has the aspect of Venus only. Gemini is weaker as there are no planets in the dual signs. The Dasha and Transit do not appear to hold much hope for Romney.
(b) OBAMA- The Dasha on 6th November, 2012 will be –
Vimshottari- Sat/Sat/Sat
Char Dasha- Cap/LibraSaturn is the Lagna Lord of Obama. Saturn is aspecting the 10th house. Ascendant is the 9th house from Moon also. Saturn is controlling the dashas as he is Mahadasha, Antardasha & Pratyantar Dasha Lord and is transiting in Libra in the 10th house. Saturn is exalted and conjunct Sun – ‘Digbali’ in the 10th house. Saturn aspects the 4th house of chair and 7th house of ‘Padaprapti’ from the house of honor and authority. This dasha and transit is better than the one enjoyed by Romney.
Vimshottari- Sat/Sat/Sat
Char Dasha- Cap/LibraSaturn is the Lagna Lord of Obama. Saturn is aspecting the 10th house. Ascendant is the 9th house from Moon also. Saturn is controlling the dashas as he is Mahadasha, Antardasha & Pratyantar Dasha Lord and is transiting in Libra in the 10th house. Saturn is exalted and conjunct Sun – ‘Digbali’ in the 10th house. Saturn aspects the 4th house of chair and 7th house of ‘Padaprapti’ from the house of honor and authority. This dasha and transit is better than the one enjoyed by Romney.
Chara Dasha Capricorn/Libra – Capricorn has Saturn conjunct Jupiter and aspected by Moon, Mars and Rahu. Influence of five (5) planets on Capricorn makes it power packed and as Mars is AK and Saturn is DK- Rajyoga is also formed. Libra the 10thhouse rashi is again a char sign like Capricorn hence the aspect of Moon, Mars and Rahu are available here also. Ascendant and 10th house being activated, augur well for Obama.
Retrogression of Mercury on 6th November, 2012:
(a) Obama- Mercury is Sixth Lord and Ninth Lord of Obama placed in 7th house. It is transiting in 11th house along with Eleventh Lord Mars and Rahu. Eleventh house is 6thfrom 6th house and retrogression of Mercury is likely to give him gains (11th house) of competition (6th house). It may dent his luck. Mars the Fourth Lord in 11th house along with Ninth Lord Mercury in retrogression is going to aspect the 4th house from 10thhouse. Retrograde Mercury is likely to cause gains for Obama.
(b) Romney- Romeny’s Mercury is Second Lord and Fifth Lord placed in 10th house with Sun (Fourth Lord) and Mars (Seventh Lord), perfect as these three houses define the presidential electoral fight. Mercury retrogrades on 6th November, 2012, in Scorpio the 7th house. Seventh house has Jupiter the Eighth Lord, Moon the Third Lord and Ketu placed in it. Mercury the Eighth Lord from Moon, transiting over the Jupiter the Eighth Lord from Ascendant is a cause for worry. Its retrogression would in all likelihood cause a loss.
Adding to the woes is the Rahu, the Pratyantar Dasha Lord transiting over the Natal Jupiter. It is a poor transit as Jupiter’s 8th Lordship sends ominous signs. Romney’s problems multiply. Mercury is the Second Lord from Lagna and Eighth Lord from Moon. This induces lack of discretion in his talks. His remark at a fund raising party that 47% Americans, who do not pay income-tax live off the Government dole – in social security and health schemes. When Mercury retrogrades on 6th November, 2012 it is likely to extract the price of this indiscretion.
Mercury retrogression on 6th November may cause a situation like the one seen in 2004 in Bush/Kerry contest. A recount, a mismatch- one winning the popular vote and other winning the Electoral College votes. An interesting scenario awaits us on 6th November, 2012.
In conclusion one has no doubt that this is a very close race. Obama is likely to win it by just a hair breadth – His dasha and transit are superior to Romney and the retrogression of Mercury on 6th November is more helpful to Obama.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Rituals Of Wearing Gemstones : Pearl

Pearl is the gem for the Moon. Hence it should be worn on Monday. Full moon night on any Monday is the most auspicious day to wear pearl. Alternatively, Monday falling during brighter phase of the moon is also auspicious. Before wearing the pearl, give it a bath in Panchamrit (Milk, curd, ghee, sugar and honey) or raw milk. Then wash it with holy water and put it before the Moon yantra. In the absence of Moon yantra, place it before the idol of tutelary God in your place of worship. Offer then unbroken rice, sandal paste, incense sticks etc. and carry out usual worship rituals. Recite the hymn of Moon 11,000 times. If it is not possible, recite it 108 times. Then with full faith and devotion, wear pearl on the ring finger of your right hand. Pearl should be worn in silver for maximum benefits. Pearl remains effective for a period of 4 years from the day of wearing it.
Rituals of Wearing Gemstones : Ruby

This is a gemstone of the Sun. Hence it should be worn on Sunday. The time before 8 a.m. in the morning on any Sunday specially within one hour of sunrise (hora of sun) during the brighter phase is the most auspicious moment for wearing ruby. At this moment, ruby must be given a bath in Panchamrit or raw milk. Thereafter wash it with holy water. Now put it before the Sun yantra or the idol of your tutelary deity in the place of your worship. Carry out usual worship rituals and recite the hymn of Sun 7,000 or 108 times. Then with full faith and devotion, wear the ruby-containing ring on the ring finger of your right hand. Ruby is especially beneficial if worn in gold. Ruby remains effective for up to 4 years from the day of wearing it.
If a learned Brahmin carries out the whole ritual and he is given proper donations, the effect of the gem increases manifold due to the blessings of the Brahmin.
Forbidden Stones according to ascendant (Lagna) house
People with a particular zodiac sign as ascendant house (lagna) in their horoscope may wear different gemstones in combination, similarly there is a complete list of gemstones that are forbidden for the people with a particular ascendant house. Wearing of such stones may lead to relegation and the wearer may have to suffer serious losses instead of reaping rich benefits.
Aries: People with ascendant house Aries should not wear diamond and emerald. Many experts forbid even blue sapphire for these people. But they believe that if the position of Saturn is strong in horoscope, such people can safely wear blue sapphire.
Taurus: Due to mutual hostility between Venus, lord of Taurus, and Jupiter, topaz is forbidden for people with Taurus as the ascendant house. Some experts even forbid coral and ruby for such people.
Gemini: People with Gemini as the ascendant house must not wear coral, pearl, ruby and topaz. Some experts forbid even blue sapphire for such people but allow it in combination with emerald.
Cancer: People with Cancer as the ascendant house must not wear emerald, diamond and blue sapphire.
Leo: Diamond, blue sapphire and pearl are strictly forbidden for the people with Leo as the ascendant house.
Virgo: Coral, ruby and blue sapphire is forbidden for such people.
Libra: Wearing of ruby, coral and topaz may prove harmful for the people with Libra as the ascendant house. They may wear pearl only when suggested by some expert astrologer to channelize the influence of moon.
Scorpio: People with Scorpio as the ascendant house must not wear diamond, blue sapphire and emerald.
Sagittarius: Diamond, blue sapphire, pearl and emerald prove extremely harmful for the people with Sagittarius as the ascendant house.
Capricorn: Wearing ruby, pearl and topaz may prove to be torturous for the people with Capricorn as the ascendant house. Coral however proves beneficial.
Aquarius: Ruby, pearl, coral, emerald and topaz are particularly harmful for the people with Aquarius as the ascendant house.
Pisces: Ruby, emerald, diamond and blue sapphire are forbidden for the people with Pisces as the ascendant house.
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